One Team Culture
What Every Enterprise Needs in Challenging Times
Silos Are About Mindset Not Structure
How is your enterprise structured? Chances are it's designed along functional lines, and that's fine, however you need people playing as one team to deliver for customers in a fast changing, dynamic world.
Playing as a one team game means working across the usual boundaries of function and hierarchy, and of efficiency and adaptability to bring things from "Sky to Ground".

A One Team Culture is Agile & Adaptive
Take a moment to reflect on the current culture in your enterprise, and then consider how far towards the 'One Team Culture' you want to move.
This is a big change for leaders because the way they exercise power and govern is fundamentally different.
It is also important to reflect on your wider authorising environment and what's realistic.
Recover & Rebound Together
Every leader we speak with is committed to getting through the recovery phase and to rebound from the disruption of COVID-19.
It's a huge challenge because there are tough decisions to be made and ever present risks of disunity, stress and siloed ways of working which put the whole organisation at risk.
Navigating this type of challenge is almost impossible without a one team culture.

Where to Begin
The first step towards a one team culture doesn't have to be large and complex.
For many of our clients it begins with conversations about how to deliver value from "Sky to Ground".
We facilitate those conversations and gradually introduce the suite of Think One Team practices and tools to build the relationships and ways of working that become the new culture.
Ready for a Conversation about One Team Culture?